Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Timesharing Your Expertise

Had an interesting discussion with a survivor from the RTC days. In the late ‘80’s, this gentleman was laid off from a civil engineering firm he’d worked with for the past ten years. Full time jobs in his field were in short supply and when they did surface, the competition was fierce due to the oversupply of candidates. He landed a few consulting assignments here and there while he continued his search for a full time position, but nothing of a consistent nature. He desired a more certain future... if not a full time job, then at least some type of recurring work he knew he could count on and look forward to. Any of this sound familiar?

Well, the solution he came up with proved to be unique, timely and cost efficient. Rather than pursue piece-meal assignments on a scattered schedule, he “sold” his services for one day a week to four companies, none of which needed a full time employee but all needing extra help. Just as today’s companies are doing more with less people, these companies could easily justify this arrangement to avoid overloading their regular staff. Plus, they knew what they were getting in terms of expertise each week and tailored the workload according to this person’s skill sets.

Our friend didn’t replace his income 100% nor did he reap the benefits of a full time employee, but the fractional strategy helped him survive the recession of the late ‘80’s. He also expanded his sphere of influence by working with four companies vs. one and was able to use them as references when the need arose. Best of all, he no longer faced the uncertainty of what lied ahead in the weeks to come.

There’s something for companies to learn from this story, too. We’ve made this case before: there is an amazing wealth of talent sitting on the sidelines, just waiting to be tapped– if not permanently, then part time. Not just line staff, but senior level executives from companies known for best practices. What would your company gain by hiring the former Corporate Controller from a national real estate developer for one day/week for a few months? Or, the former VP of Customer Service from an award winning home builder? Tap into the brain trust while it’s available.

How to do that? Well, we’ve got some ideas on that which we’ll be sharing soon. Stay tuned.

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